PCNET.TXTmdos????«ŪKė«ŪKėøCWelcome to PCNet-Online! Your online PC resource for over 10 years. What is PCNet-Online? The PC Users Network started over a decade ago as the IBM Users Network or IBMNET. While not affiliated with IBM it was an authorized IBM users group and at the time the IBM PC was about the only "IBM compatible" computer available. Over the years compatibles became major players and the scope of the forums expanded to include all PCs. After a lot of consideration and despite the goodwill associated with the old name we elected to change it to reflect the true nature of the forums. Nothing else has changed, you'll still find the same folks and same excellent shareware and the "old" IBMNET forum "go" words will continue to work just fine. If you're just hooking up with PCNet-Online don't be confused when you see references to the old IBMNET forums, the "go" words, libraries and other references will stuff apply. What are we? We are a group of PC users that have a special interest in all aspects of personal computers. In addition to our message and conference areas you'll find a wide variety of excellent software in our libraries. The Forums are very similar to a users group although you have access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Beyond your hourly CompuServe connect charge there's no additional fee associated with your membership in PCNet-Online. Each PCNet-Online forum can be accessed from the GO PCNET menu or you can use the GO navigational command to go directly to the forum. The GO "quick reference word" for each forum is included in the area descriptions that follow: PC New User's Forum/Welcome Center - GO PCNEW If you're just getting started with the PC or with downloading and the various file types this is the best place to start. You'll get fast responses to your questions, find special files that will help you get the most out of CompuServe, hints and tips on reading messages and downloading. The old saw "The only dumb question is the one not asked" applies here! Don't be shy, there's no need to struggle through a problem that's been solved many times before. You'll find very helpful members who will do their best to quickly resolve any problems. PC Hardware Forum - GO PCHW Have a question about a piece of equipment? Can't get that printer to work? Would you like a viewpoint from another user on a particular piece of equipment before you plunk down your money? The PC Hardware Forum is our area for discussing hardware related issues. In addition to reviews and other comments on hardware, there are hardware diagnostic programs, hardware specific utilities (printer utilities, disk managers, special video programs and drivers) and other hardware specific software in the libraries. The PC Hardware forum also has a special section for mainframes that spans both hardware and software. PC Applications Forum - GO PCAPP Here you'll find the "core" applications for the PC; word processing, data base management, business and personal accounting, business graphics, desk top publishing, educational software and much more. You'll find most "mainstream" applications in the libraries of this forum. PC Utilities/Systems Forum - GO PCUTIL Here you'll find the latest and greatest in general utilities and information on the various operating systems and environments available for the PC including Windows and OS/2. In the libraries here you'll find various utility programs including operating system additions, power tools, desktop utilities and all those small (and sometimes not so small) programs that make living with the PC easier. PC Programming Forum - GO PCPROG If it concerns programming for the PC the Programming forum is for you. Assemblers, source code in a variety of languages and help from fellow members can be found here. PCPROG not only contains valuable information for experienced programmers but also contain hints, tips and tutorials for those just starting to program. PC Communications Forum - GO PCCOM The Communications Forum bridges two areas; hardware and software. In this Forum you'll find discussions on how to use various communications programs and hardware. In the data libraries, you'll see the best public domain and shareware communications software available, including one of the best CompuServe specific programs going; Autosig (and it's free to boot!). PC Bulletin Board Forum - GO PCBBS The BBS forum contains bulletin board programs, utilities, door programs and the discussion of issues concerning bulletin board operators and users. You'll find a wide variety of bulletin board programs, bulletin board utilities and helpful advice from other bulletin board operators if you currently run a board or plenty of getting started advice if you're interested in starting one. PC Fun Forum - GO PCFUN The Fun forum is just that, loads of outstanding entertainment related files ranging from the very latest graphic wonders, music related programs, arcade shoot 'em ups to classic adventure games. If you're looking for some stress reduction or to just put your feet up on the desk and have some fun this is the place to find it. Shareware/ASP Forum - GO ASPFORUM The Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) is a non-profit group has dedicated itself to educating computer users about the "try before you buy" software marketing concept and set standards for the author and user community. If you'd like some info on shareware, joining the ASP or just want to discuss shareware issues drop by and add your two cents. ASP CD-ROM Forum - GO ASPCD This is the distribution point for ASP author member products. This forum is limited to ASP member products only and you'll be assured of finding only the best in shareware here. PC Vendor Forums The PC Vendor Forums started as an experiment in using the multiple sections of the forum software to multiple vendors to share a forum to provide support for their products through the electronic medium. The original PC Vendor forum (PCVENA) proved to be so popular the concept has been expanded into multiple additional forums. New vendors are added frequently and you can use the Support Directory (GO SUPPORT) to search for product support locations. PC File Finder - GO PCFF If you finding a specific file seems daunting there is a special database containing information on all PCNet-Online and most PC related forum files. The PC File Finder will allow you to search on filename or keyword or use a variety of search methods that will help you quickly locate files of interest. Other PCNet-Online Tips and Hints All uploads to PCNet-Online are carefully checked before being made available to members. Since our members are the source of our library files it's a perfect opportunity to communicate your likes and dislikes directly to the author. For more info on the libraries please consult the library announcement in each forum. The PCNET-Online Forums are independent and are not affiliated with any specific vendor. If you have any problems getting started in PCNET please GO PCNEW and review the announcements and help files there. If you have any questions the Sysops are here to help, so be sure and post a message if you run into a problem. SysOp Don Watkins [76703,750]  place menus in menu bar } In PCNET.TXTmdos????±ą²`mdos????±ą²`«ŪKė set up misc. variables } Finished := False; CCrsrHndl := nil; ASFileOpen := False; Hexarray := '0123456789ABCDEF'; { ’’